Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter, salad, vegetarian Antony Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter, salad, vegetarian Antony

Viet-inspired potato salad

Who says potato salad has to be Euro-centric? Not us. This Southeast Asian-inspired twist on the beloved summer staple will change up your mayo-dressed spud game, taking it to places you never dreamed of. It’s got fish sauce, lime, raw garlic, sugar, coriander, and spring onion… the whole nine yards. The creamy mayo takes inspo from the flavours of nuoc cham, that tangy…

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Spring, Summer, salad, seafood Antony Spring, Summer, salad, seafood Antony

Mexican-Style Prawn Cocktail

A prawn cocktail is always a fun dish to serve and eat, but this Mexi version brings along everything but the mariachi band. How many recipes do you know that give you the option of adding mezcal? (And really. “If you want to add some?” Of course we bloody do!) In Mexico, this is a classic beachside snack…

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Spring, Summer, main, chicken, poultry Antony Spring, Summer, main, chicken, poultry Antony

Poached chicken with spring greens and buttermilk dressing

Spring greens! Creamy buttermilk dressing! Poached chicken! All the Spring Things! If we lost you at ‘poached chicken’, hear us out. We’ve legit found a way to poach chicken breast fillets so they don’t turn into tasteless cardboard and it’s super, super easy. Happily for the busy cook, it even involves an amount of neglect. Here’s the scoop…

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Spring, Autumn, main, Winter, soup Antony Spring, Autumn, main, Winter, soup Antony


Why use the Italian name for this dish? Because when translated, ribollita means ‘reboiled’ and we don’t know about you but a dish with that name would not exactly entice us to the dinner table. “What’s for dinner, Mum?” “Reboiled!!” “Ooh…

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Spring, Autumn, seafood, fish, main, Winter, soup Antony Spring, Autumn, seafood, fish, main, Winter, soup Antony

Double salmon chowder

Allegedly there are people who don’t consider soup a meal, but we are not those people. We love soup. And here’s a particularly hearty, meal-in-a-bowl soup, chockers with veggies, salmon and big, boofy flavour. We’ve used smoked and fresh salmon for the fish part, but you could use fresh, white fish fillets (tarakihi, snapper, ling, for example) if you’d prefer…

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soup, Winter, Spring, Autumn, lamb, main Antony soup, Winter, Spring, Autumn, lamb, main Antony


Lamb. Soup. North African flavours. I. Am. So. Here. For. These. A soupy-stew with a lot going for it, we’re in love with the lamby, lentil-y, aromatic, nourishing goodness that is harira. Wiki suggests it can be eaten as a ‘light snack’ but this flour-thickened version…

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braising, Autumn, main Antony braising, Autumn, main Antony

Braised celery with saffron, potatoes and green olives

“Ooh yum, celery for dinner!” Said no-one ever. But when a mighty pert bunch costs two bucks, we’ll give the what-the-heck-do-you-do-with-bulk-celery challenge a red hot go. Soup is the most obvious solution, but if it’s hot, that’s not really a G.O.. There’s only so much celery you can eat raw, so braising strikes us as a good way to go…

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