Baked feta with grapes and figs
When you can't be arsed, but you need a quick route to Destination Edible, here’s what you do. Grab some figs, grapes and chunks of feta, drizzle them all with olive oil and a few other bits in a baking dish, then whack the whole thing in the oven. Serve with some toasts and wait for the 'you really shouldn't have gone to so much trouble' accolades to come flowing your way.
German Plum Cake
Cars… beer… sausages… efficiency… we have much to thank the Germans for. And if there’s another thing they really excel at, it’s baking. We were in the country recently and quite honestly the breads, cakes, pastries, gingerbread, et al were an absolute highlight; dang, these people know their way around a bucket of flour and an oven. With Bavarian travels now just a 2024 memory, we thought we’d concoct a glorious yeasted plum cake…
Roast plum, blue cheese and beetroot salad
Recently we went to a dinner party and were served a green salad that was dressed with something sweet. We don’t mean a tad sweet, as in a-shot-of-honey-in-the-dressing sweet. No, we mean diabetes-inducing, set-your-teeth-on-edge, unbefreakinglievably sweet. It got us thinking. Maybe a salad could have a…
Tomato and egg noodles
It might surprise some to learn that tomatoes feature in regional Chinese cooking; especially with eggs as a quick, easy, comforting topping for steamed rice or for wide wheat noodles. Yum. This is one of those classic, home-style Chinese dishes of which there are many variants (with more or less egg or tomato, additions like oyster sauce, Shaoxing wine or dashes of dark soy, for example), so feel free to experiment with your own…
Jjolmyeon (쫄면) is both the name of this dish and the type of noodles used to make it. These wheat-based noodles have a fabulous chewy quality, due to the way they are made – during manufacture, the dough is heated to 130-150 ˚C and extruded under pressure. Served with plenty of crunchy raw veggies and the lusciously…
Chilled sago and melon pudding
We know sago is not everyone’s dessert ingredient of choice, but hear us out. It’s a drum we’ve banged before because we l-o-v-e Asian (and Asian-inspired) desserts and sago is a common presence. Take this Chilled Sago and Melon Pudding, for example. It's the best combo of chilled summery-ness and minimal effort ever, and it doesn’t scream ‘sugar rush’ either…
Smacked cucumber and beef salad
Those few weeks after Christmas? It’s when cooking motivation can go seriously AWOL, but cravings for fresh, punchy flavours don’t take a break. You’re done with the richness of ham, roast vegetables, and plum pudding, and if you see another turkey leg smothered in cranberry sauce you’ll scream. Enter this Chinese-inspired salad – a dish that looks and tastes…
Viet-inspired potato salad
Who says potato salad has to be Euro-centric? Not us. This Southeast Asian-inspired twist on the beloved summer staple will change up your mayo-dressed spud game, taking it to places you never dreamed of. It’s got fish sauce, lime, raw garlic, sugar, coriander, and spring onion… the whole nine yards. The creamy mayo takes inspo from the flavours of nuoc cham, that tangy…
Potato salad with green beans and toasted buckwheat
This potato salad with crunchy green beans, nutty toasted buckwheat, soft eggs, and bursts of fresh dill is hearty but fresh, earthy but bright – a salad that’s happy to play wingman to glazed ham, sizzling steaks, roast pork, or even a whole baked snapper. Toasted buckwheat brings the crunch, while a mustard dressing makes every bite addictive – this is a spud salad with serious swagger. It takes cues from Bavaria where mustard leans sweet, not sharp, and is served slathered on weißwurst, pretzels, roasts, and even with cheeseboards…
Blueberry, polenta and orange cake
We used blueberries for this Blueberry, polenta and orange cake but you don’t have to; there are so many other ways to skin this particular cat. Depending on what’s in season, you could use rhubarb, for instance, with a little more sugar scattered over given that rhubarb is tart. Later in the summer, you could use slices of peaches, apricots or nectarines; pitted cherries would be good too.
Mexican-Style Prawn Cocktail
A prawn cocktail is always a fun dish to serve and eat, but this Mexi version brings along everything but the mariachi band. How many recipes do you know that give you the option of adding mezcal? (And really. “If you want to add some?” Of course we bloody do!) In Mexico, this is a classic beachside snack…
Chocolate cherry tart
Perfect for cherry season, this rich tart serves a LOT of people as it’s quite lavish, so it’s an excellent option to serve to a crowd. All it needs as an accompaniment is a good splodge of whipped cream, and it's good to go…
In a world choking on food trends, we can almost hear you yawn at the mere mention of panforte. But panforte doesn’t care about going viral on The Tok – it’s so above all that noise. It’s as eternal as Siena’s cobbles and is never flashy, never out of date. Dense, chewy, spiced and totally delicious, we make batches for edible gifts at Christmas time because it’s way less hassle than…
Asparagus with black olive crumbs
We know that absolutely nothing beats a serve of blanched, new season’s asparagus, and we like ours piled on a platter with some crisp, golden, olive-y crumbs for a bit of crunchy-salty contrast.
Espresso shortbread sandwiches
Move over, mince pies! Well, maybe not… after all, absolutely nothing beats that melty, gooey, fruity goodness of a superlative Christmas mince pie. Sometimes though, you don’t have the time to make these; they’re really only super-good if you make everything from scratch, including the pastry…
Pimped hummus with lamb and pomegranate
When time’s short, we pimp like crazy. And nothing begs pimping more than a tub of hummus… and look, you could make your own for this recipe if you liked. But we’re cheating like hell here because we’re all out of time this week and we’re rooting for Team Easy. You just grab a half kilo of lamb (or beef) mince, give it a hard sear, amp it up with spices, a slosh of pomegranate molasses and…
Neapolitan Semolina Cheesecake with Roasted Strawberries
Semolina—yeah, we get it, it’s a bit of a love-hate thing. And we know why: flashbacks to dodgy school puddings that were overly sweet, gloopy, and borderline inedible. One of our grandmothers, for reasons that still mystify us, used lemon essence in her semolina despite having a fruit-laden lemon tree right outside her kitchen window. Go figure…
Poached chicken with spring greens and buttermilk dressing
Spring greens! Creamy buttermilk dressing! Poached chicken! All the Spring Things! If we lost you at ‘poached chicken’, hear us out. We’ve legit found a way to poach chicken breast fillets so they don’t turn into tasteless cardboard and it’s super, super easy. Happily for the busy cook, it even involves an amount of neglect. Here’s the scoop…
Charred lamb leg, creamy skordalia and herb salad
Let’s talk skordalia – part sauce, part dip, and all kinds of delicious. The name comes from the Greek word skordo (σκόρδο), meaning garlic, which tells you everything you need to know… if you don’t like garlic, trust us when we tell you this isn’t for you so just jog on. Creamy, rich and punchy…
Never too late Christmas cake
Are you a Christmas cake procrastinator? Do you start every festive season intending to make a gloriously boozy, fruit-packed cake, the kind that you make on Labour Day and put away to beautifully age? Only to realise it's nearly December already and you don’t have so much as a single raisin in the house or the correct sized tin…