Spring, Autumn, Winter, Summer, cakes, baking Antony Spring, Autumn, Winter, Summer, cakes, baking Antony

Apple sour cream pie

If you’ve been playing along with the LSC so far, you’ll be bracing yourself for the expected “this isn’t a hard recipe” and true to form, we’re saying “this recipe isn’t hard.” Cooking is all about timing and keeping a tidy bench most of the time, and this recipe has a third factor - breaking things down into manageable sub-tasks...

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Spring, Autumn, main, Winter, pie, lamb Antony Spring, Autumn, main, Winter, pie, lamb Antony

Left-over lamb pie

Hands up who has memories of their Mum making shepherd’s pie? Us too. Ours minced the cold roast lamb using a hefty metal mincer with a crank handle. It screwed onto the edge of the bench or dining table and made short work of reducing the lamb to teeny tiny bits; yes, kids, there was life before food processors…

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soup, Winter, Spring, Autumn, lamb, main Antony soup, Winter, Spring, Autumn, lamb, main Antony


Lamb. Soup. North African flavours. I. Am. So. Here. For. These. A soupy-stew with a lot going for it, we’re in love with the lamby, lentil-y, aromatic, nourishing goodness that is harira. Wiki suggests it can be eaten as a ‘light snack’ but this flour-thickened version…

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