Curry leaf and peanut roast potatoes

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Looking for a fresh, new spin on the humble roast spud? Try these! You can use whatever floury or all-purpose potatoes you like, they don’t have to be baby ones. Cut them into whatever size you prefer and adjust the cooking time accordingly. And look, we get it. Everyone has their favourite way to roast a spud and far be it from us to separate you from yours. So peel… or don’t. Par-cook… or skip that step. Scruff up the surfaces and edges after boiling… or don’t bother. We found a dude online called Kenji who says he boils his potatoes first with “a f$%^-load of salt and a half tsp of baking soda” which he claims is totally essential. (We’re in awe of the corners of the net where you cook using units of “f$%^-loads” because even we’re not quite there yet). Why the baking soda? Because it makes the water more alkaline which helps the outside of the spuds break down more which in turn encourages a super-crisp exterior. Somehow. We’re not chemists so we can only take Kenji’s word for this and we like the sound of even more crispness so might well give the soda a whirl. Whatever gets us to crispy-crunchy golden-ness on the outside, and soft-fluffy insides, is all good. 


750g all-purpose baby potatoes, halved

60ml (¼ cup) peanut, sunflower seed, avocado or macadamia nut oil

2 red onions, cut into thin wedges

2 tsp black mustard seeds

1½ tsp cumin seeds

small handful of curry leaves (about 2 stems-worth)

40g (⅓ cup) roasted peanuts, crushed

large handful of fresh mint leaves, to serve

black pepper and chaat masala**, to taste

lime wedges, to serve

Par-boil the potatoes in boiling salted water until almost tender, then drain well. Sit the potatoes in a colander for 10 minutes for excess moisture to steam off. Meanwhile, preheat the oven to 200˚C.

Heat the peanut oil in a large, heavy-based frying pan with an oven-proof handle over medium-high heat. Add the potatoes, cut side down, then transfer to the oven and roast for 15-20 minutes or until the bases are starting to turn golden. Add the onion, scatter over the mustard seeds, cumin seeds and curry leaves, then gently toss to combine. Roast for another 20-25 minutes or until the potatoes are deep golden and the onions are soft. Season with salt and pepper. Transfer to a serving bowl, scatter over the peanuts, mint, and chaat masala and toss to combine. Serve with lime for squeezing over and extra chaat masala to add, to taste. 

** Buy chaat masala mix at a good Indian grocer.


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