Tourtière - It’s a pie
If you’re on the prowl for a weekend cooking project, how about making a pie? From scratch? Including pastry? And not just any old pie but a Canadian Christmas one. Meet tourtière, a trad dish from Quebec, whose name comes from the type of deep dish used to bake it…
Stuff it! Pasta
The assignment? To turn a whole heap of English spinach into something everyone would love, and that wasn’t too, you know, spinachy. An overload of spinach tastes ever so slightly metallic. Spinach soup doesn’t ring my bells…
Tuna-potato polpette
Brains, Intestines. Liver. Kidneys. Tongue, tripe and tails – the whole nine yards. If you’ve been to Europe, South America, Asia, Africa, the Middle East or the Subcontinent (basically anywhere not overly Anglo), visited local food markets and squizzed the fresh produce, you’ll know that in actual food cultures, everything’s on the table…