Spring, Autumn, main, Winter, soup Antony Spring, Autumn, main, Winter, soup Antony


Why use the Italian name for this dish? Because when translated, ribollita means ‘reboiled’ and we don’t know about you but a dish with that name would not exactly entice us to the dinner table. “What’s for dinner, Mum?” “Reboiled!!” “Ooh…

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Summer, Spring, Autumn, Winter Antony Summer, Spring, Autumn, Winter Antony

White chicken chilli

Many parts of the States cook versions of chilli, which is spelled with one ‘l’ but our autocorrect can’t cope and we’ve let it have its way. Sometimes, ya can’t fight the machine. Chilli con carne is the classic chilli dish you might know the best. Although many chilli dishes are deep red from tomato, chipotle, kidney beans and whatnot…

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