Summer, Spring, Autumn, Winter, main Antony Summer, Spring, Autumn, Winter, main Antony

Beetroot barley ‘risotto’

Here’s a dish that’s not a new idea; sometimes, you don’t need to reinvent wheels. Tried and true flavours simply work, and they work for a reason. PB and J. Pineapple and ham. Chocolate and mint. Lemon and fish. Maple syrup and bacon. They go together. That’s it. No need to overthink it. Beetroot and barley are another timeless combo…

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Roast orange veggies with date-pecan sprinkle

Yes, we’re on a medjool date bender. And why not; is there anyone who doesn’t adore these things? They’re so gooey and sweet, it’s hard to believe that something quite so lush is actually good for you, mountains of fructose aside. Oh and the carbs and the calories notwithstanding. Between the dates, the hints of maple syrup…

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Fritter away! Zucchini and feta fritters

Are they Greek? Are they Turkish? We’re not going to step into that particularly messy fray, but let’s just say we’ve eaten our fair share of these babies on Turkish soil as part of mezze spreads. Called mücver, we’ve yet to meet anyone who dislikes these fritters…

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baking, Summer, Autumn, Winter, Spring Antony baking, Summer, Autumn, Winter, Spring Antony

Chocolate tahini buns

Just in time for some Sunday baking, these ridiculously rich buns are exactly what the doctor ordered for a leisurely long weekend breakfast. Scrub that - they’re probably not. Because they’re chockers with chocolate, sugar, various fats and evil white flour. YUM! Please, please PLEASE don’t be terrified of yeast…

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