How to, sauces Antony How to, sauces Antony

How to make raspberry coulis

Coulis. Pronounced ‘coolie’, It’s just a poncey way to say ‘strained puree’. In fact, in French coulis means just that – ‘strained’. Easy to make and perfect for summer when berries are bouncing around everywhere, a coulis is a quick, simple, no-cook way to top off, tart up, drizzle over, or generally improve your dessert game…

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How to, pot roast Antony How to, pot roast Antony

How to pot roast quince

We hate peeling and coring quinces; it’s a dangerous endeavour. Those suckers are hard and it’s easy to slip and accidentally amputate some essential body part with a paring knife. So we love this Maggie Beer-inspired recipes to bits; you literally turf your unpeeled, uncored quinces into a dutch oven with a s%^&-ton of sugar, some water…

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