How to, sauces Antony How to, sauces Antony

How to make raspberry coulis

Coulis. Pronounced ‘coolie’, It’s just a poncey way to say ‘strained puree’. In fact, in French coulis means just that – ‘strained’. Easy to make and perfect for summer when berries are bouncing around everywhere, a coulis is a quick, simple, no-cook way to top off, tart up, drizzle over, or generally improve your dessert game…

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How to, sauces, dressings Antony How to, sauces, dressings Antony

How to make mayonnaise

Put down the Best Foods and step away from the Kewpie. As one of the foundational sauces of French cuisine, it’s worth mastering the art of making your own mayo. And it’s easy once you get a feel for it; with experience, you’ll ‘get’ how fast you can add the oil, how to adjust lemon juice so it’s in balance…

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