baking, Summer, Autumn, Winter, Spring Antony baking, Summer, Autumn, Winter, Spring Antony

Chocolate tahini buns

Just in time for some Sunday baking, these ridiculously rich buns are exactly what the doctor ordered for a leisurely long weekend breakfast. Scrub that - they’re probably not. Because they’re chockers with chocolate, sugar, various fats and evil white flour. YUM! Please, please PLEASE don’t be terrified of yeast…

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baking, Greek, biscuits, Autumn Antony baking, Greek, biscuits, Autumn Antony

Greek lenten biscuits

And now for something sweet, rich, indulgent and creamy. Just kidding; it’s Lent, doofus. And you know what that’s about – going without. I don’t really ‘do’ Spartan so correct me if I’m wrong, but observant Catholics fast from meat during the Lenten period (the 40 days leading to Easter), while for Greek Orthodox believers…

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