Melon, tomato and oregano salad

Now here’s a combo I’ll bet you never saw coming. But jeebus, is it delicious or what? And we don’t have much more to say than that... and nor is there really a recipe. It’s more a concept. You know, the vibe of the thing. “In summing up, Your Honour, it’s melon, it’s tomato, it’s feta, it’s rightness, it works, it’s the vibe...and, uh, no, um, that’s it, really. It’s the v-i-b-e.” To quote Dennis Denuto in the Aussie film classic, The Castle. So go peel some lovely, fragrant rock melon and tear strips off it with a veggie peeler. Cut some ripe, juicy tomatoes into chunks. Arrange them artfully on a serving plate (or just dump them willy- nilly, who cares), then scatter over crumbled feta (Iwe prefer Greek-style, not Danish, which is smoother, chalkier and sets teeth on edge). Sprinkle with fresh oregano leaves (or basil if you prefer, it’s not life and death), scatter with nigella seeds (or not – your call), then drizzle the whole shebang with extra virgin olive oil like you bloody mean it. Finish with a smattering of red or white wine vinegar, some salt and pepper and that’s it. Done. Dusted. It’s a vibe.

There is no recipe (there’s not meant to be)

So go peel some lovely, fragrant rock melon and tear strips off it with a veggie peeler. Cut some ripe, juicy tomatoes into chunks. Arrange them artfully on a serving plate (or just dump them willy- nilly, who cares), then scatter over crumbled feta (I prefer Greek-style, not Danish, which is smoother, chalkier and sets my teeth on edge). Sprinkle with fresh oregano leaves (or basil if you prefer, it’s not life and death), scatter with nigella seeds (or not – your call), then drizzle the whole shebang with extra virgin olive oil like you bloody mean it. Finish with a smattering of red or white wine vinegar, some salt and pepper and that’s it. Done. Dusted. It’s a vibe.


Spice-roast lamb with grape tzatziki


Plum (or whatever you like) upside down cake