Emulsified vinaigrette

Platter up! Grab the nicest of what’s in season, cook it simply, hurl it on a big plate, then do the ‘come help yourselves’ holler’ like a fishwife. We love a salad Nicoise and, while salmon might not be a traditional inclusion, it’s perfect with everything else. The recipe here is all about the emulsified vinaigrette... because look. We’re not going to tell you how to boil an egg, cook a potato and slice a tomato. Just prep/cook as much of everything as you like, then slather it with that dressing. Which is, by the way, really useful for lots of other applications too. Such as over a simple mixed leaf salad.


1 large egg yolk, at room temperature

3-4 anchovy fillets, finely chopped

2 heaped tsp dijon mustard

2½ tbsp red or white wine vinegar

150ml olive oil

Combine the egg yolk, anchovy, mustard and vinegar in a large bowl and whisk to combine well. Whisking constantly, add the olive oil in a slow stream; the mixture should thicken and emulsify. It shouldn't ‘split’ (or ‘break’) as it’s pretty foolproof but if it does start to separate out, you have two options. One; turf it and start again (tsk tsk, wasteful!) OR, whisk another egg yolk in a large bowl, then extremely slowly, add the split mixture to it bit by bit, whisking constantly to form an emulsification. Season with sea salt and freshly ground black pepper and... that’s it. You’re done. You can leave out the anchovies, add finely chopped garlic, fresh herbs or chopped capers to flavour it according to preference. Or not; it’ll still be delish.

Store any leftovers in a sealed container at cool room temperature – if you refrigerate it, chances are your vinaigrette will split when it comes to room temperature. I’m making it sound temperamental when actually it’s not. Use it in most salad situations, especially ones that lean Frenchy or Italian-ish. It’s ace on a leafy salad that might otherwise be perceived as a touch boring. 

Proudly partnering with Mt Cook Alpine Salmon. When it’s time to go salmon shopping, please show them some love. For stockists click here, for salmon recipes and more click here.




Tomato risotto