How to Antony How to Antony

How to crumb schnitzel (and other things too)

Wet hand, dry hand, wet hand, dry hand. If there’s one mantra you need to bring to the crumbing table, it’s that. Yep – the key to crumbing schnitzels, or anything really, is to use one hand for dunking your meat (or whatever) into the wet mixture (in this case beaten egg), and the other for dunking into the dry ones...

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How to, sauces, dressings Antony How to, sauces, dressings Antony

How to make mayonnaise

Put down the Best Foods and step away from the Kewpie. As one of the foundational sauces of French cuisine, it’s worth mastering the art of making your own mayo. And it’s easy once you get a feel for it; with experience, you’ll ‘get’ how fast you can add the oil, how to adjust lemon juice so it’s in balance…

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How to, baking, dessert Antony How to, baking, dessert Antony

How to make a pavlova

Pavlova. Did we invent it or did they? We must be the only people on the face of the earth who don’t really give a toss, national pride be damned. We’re more into how good pav tastes, how simple it actually is to make, and how economical it can be too, if you don’t go nuts on exxie garnishes…

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