Mum’s Weet-Bix/custard pie thingo

We have no idea of the genesis of this pie-type arrangement, with its buttery crushed Weet-Bix base, blubbery custard filling, jam, whipped cream and coconut topping, but we thought it was the height of yumness when we were kids. So we thought we’d have a crack at recreating this little gem of culinary originality from the absolute boonies of 1970s rural NZ, with all care, no responsibility and every one of those other empty sentiments people often employ. So upend the custard powder, moosh up some of Sanitarium’s finest, melt yourself silly with butter and see how you go! If we made it again, I’d probably forgo the pie dish and just slam the layers in a rectangular baking dish, then spoon it out from there. 


3 tbsp raspberry jam

50g (⅓ cup) custard powder

375ml (1½ cups) milk

110g (½ cup) caster sugar

560ml (2¼ cups) pouring cream

desiccated coconut, for sprinkling

Weet-Bix crust

7 Weet-Bix, finely crushed

55g (¼ cup) caster sugar

75g melted butter

For the Weet-Bix crust, combine all the ingredients in a bowl then stir to combine well. Press the mixture over the base and side of a deep, 22cm x 4.5cm deep pie dish then refrigerate until firm. Spread with the raspberry jam. 

Combine the custard powder with 125ml (½ cup) of the milk in a bowl, then stir until smooth. Combine the remaining milk, sugar and 180ml (¾ cup) of the cream in a medium saucepan and bring to a simmer. Whisking constantly, add the custard powder mixture and bring to a simmer, cooking for 2-3 minutes or until thick and smooth. Remove from the heat, then cool, whisking often to prevent lumps forming. Pour into the Weet-Bix shell, smooth the top even. Cover with plastic wrap then refrigerate until cold. Whip the remaining cream, spread over the pie, sprinkle with coconut, to taste, then serve. 


Red-wine braised beef with mash and salsa verde


Creamy rice pudding